Thursday, June 10, 2010

Deep Sea and Animatics

Only one more animation project for this semester left. I've got my animatic together and have decided to use Flash over Toon Boom, due to ease of production. The trade off is I am stuck with the Flash aesthetic which I'm always at war with.
I got a hold of the new Chemical Brothers album and one track (Dissolve) mapped an entire animation out for me on the first listening. A potential idea for a 3rd year film, unsure if it's been done before but it would a fun animation to watch! Here is a little initial concept art for one of the characters. Everyone is drawing this kind of crap nowadays hey.

As of now I'm calling him Houdini, due to his Houdini Diving Suit.
HEY! Here is a very cool 2D short for you.
Second Wind by Ian Worrel


  1. More and more independent animators and studios are adopting Toon Boom products to create animation so it is a shame you dropped it for your animation project. Which product was it?

  2. Oh I definitely haven't "dropped it". Just for a specific little UNI project of an animated dialogue sequence. Toon Boom is still my animation package of choice, I just find I can create animatics, sequences and throw in lots of dialogue and music faster in Flash due to it's multimedia components.
    Yeah, Toon Boom is way superior than Flash.

  3. Oh and we use Toon Boom Animate Pro

  4. Wow... nice little story, and beautifully animated
